
The space in between

  • 14 drawings (32 x 100 cm each) with photographs of
  • 30 x 40 cm and 14 framed photographs of 12 x 15 cm
  • BECH Gallery, Santiago, Chile
  • July-August 2002

Fund for the Development of Culture and Arts, FONDART, 1998

Autocad drawings: Patricio Pinto (architect)

The Space Between Things, was a project made in 1998, which consisted on several graphic interventions, in five buildings about to be demolished. The interventions were developed in five buildings in downtown Santiago, a sector that can be considered as the backbone of Santiago city, following the banks of the Mapocho River. All the works where quick executed, and intended to be recorded and subsequently be exhibited as a photographic work. They were fragile and ephemeral works: deposits of pigment, chalk or ashes. As demarcations or marks, this project was an exploration of the extension of drawing, into the architectural space as support.