
The state of things

  • Airbrush ink on 384 paper modules
  • 264 x 1056 cm
  • Exhibition:Exhibition: Exercises 1: Del Río/Guilisasti/Missana
  • Posada del Corregidor Gallery, Santiago, Chile
  • July - August 1997
  • Norm, Restriction and Style (excerpt)
  • Justo Pastor Mellado

... Code effect is the work of modularization that Claudia Missana executes, with the patience that combines two ways of dealing with graffiti: the effective rectangle and the effective nebulization ...
...Claudia Missana replaces the printed signature by the spraying at surface levels, to combat the ideology of the projected shadow. This is evident, insofar as for there to be a shadow there must be a body or a fragment of a body between the light source and the wall, particularly in the fable of the Potter of Corinth.
... Claudia Missana's only container is the rectangle of paper on whose central zone the nebulization is organized. Where there should be a hand, there is an indication of a "void". But strictly speaking, what is there is a concentration of energy, limited by the edges. What matters is the edge function as a restrictive effect of the form...